Catch Multiple at Once!

Underwater Action

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Catch Multiple at Once!

Underwater Action

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Crab with us !

To all our active military and veterans: As a small token of our immense gratitude for your service, we invite you to join us for a 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩. Spend the day learning expert crabbing techniques while we honor your commitment and sacrifice. 

Register by contacting us at to RSVP for your spot!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a crab snare work?

A crab snare is a castable device which is used with a rod and reel to catch crab.

The crab snare is attached to the end of your main line to the leader line of your crab snare. You open up the lid of the crab snare, put your preferred bait in the middle and close the lid. You cast out into the body of water and wait about 5 minutes. When a crab finds the snare, it's legs are entangled or within one of the loops. When you reel up, the loops cinch down on the crabs legs acting like a sliding noose. By keeping constant tension from your reeling, the loops stay engaged on the crab's legs, snaring them up.

A crab snare is versatile where it allows you to crab in areas you typically are not able to access with a throwing net or traps unless you're on a boat/kayak. With a snare, you can cast from the shore, the jetty, the pier, docks, off the cliff and even off a boat.

Check out our YouTube which has Underwater Video of Durasnare in Action!

What type of gear do I need for crab snaring?

We recommend a 10-12ft surf rod medium to medium heavy rating. You want a sturdy rod because you’re tossing a weighted snare with bait which can get quite heavy and has a lot of load on the rod. A frequently used rod for crabbing is the Daiwa Beef Stick, Ugly Stick, or Okuma Crab Special. These rods are about $65-$75 price range. For the reel, use a good quality reel medium to large sized reel. When I first started crabbing, I used cheap reels that ended up stripping the gears, breaking the foot of the reel, the handle or cracking the housing. When you are reeling in, you are reeling in the weight of the crab snare, the bait, possibly multiple crabs, and fighting the current. This puts a lot of strain on the gears which result in putting more torque on the handles, overworking the gears, and friction on the foot of the reel which may snap. We recommend PENN brand reels such as Battles, Pursuits or SSMs. We personally use 650-750SSMs because they are full metal housing and interior gears. We can reel up 4 crabs at a time with no problem and will never strip the gears or break the foot of the reel.

For the line, you should use a minimum of 30-40lb monofilament line or 60-80lb of braided line. You are throwing very heavy weights so be sure you have adequate line to support the tension, otherwise you will end up snapping your line upon casting or retrieval.

Check out our YouTube Channel @Durasnare in the link below to learn more about gear recommendations.

Crab Snare Gear Set Up

How long do I leave my snare in the water before checking if there is a crab?

Typically you would leave the snare for about 5 minutes after casting. If there is no crab on the snare after checking, you can leave it in place for another 5 minutes. Do not leave the snare for more than 10 minutes at a time for crabs will clean out your bait box. Reel up completely to check for bait status. Check for indicators such as bites on your bait or an empty snare may mean there was crab in the area and had cleaned you out. Other indicators may be bait looking exactly the way you casted and have no bite marks at all. If there are no bites or change in your bait, move locations.

Your first and second casts will determine the frequency and timing of checking to see if you have crabs on the snare. You can have crabs on your snare in less than one minute after casting sometimes.

How do you know if there is a crab is on the snare? Is there a way of checking?

Crab snaring is different from fishing where you typically do not see or feel "nibbles" or "biting" where the tip of your rod bounces when a crab is on.

You can check to see if a crab is on your snare by slowly reeling up your slack and bring your rod up slowly towards you chest. If you feel a heavy weight like an anchor at the end of your line, more than likely you have a crab on your snare. If you bring your rod towards your chest and the snare slides along the bottom freely, you likely don't have a crab or you have been cleaned out of bait.

What type of bait should I use?

Frozen squid has been the preferred bait choice for crab snares. Squid takes longer to break apart by crabs and attracts crab very well. Using fish like mackerel, sardines, salmon or anchovies will work but they will dissolve a lot faster underwater. Alternatively, you can also use chicken as the base as a cheaper alternative and it does not break apart like squid or fish. For example, you can use a slice of chicken on the bottom of the snare, then add a squid or slices of fish on top as the main attractant. Crabs are bottom feeders and will eat just about anything.

We have found that fresh frozen bait works best when catching crab. There is no need to add additional scents or leave bait out to rot when using squid or fish. If you are using chicken only, then adding additional attractants can be beneficial. You can also buy a bottle of clam juice and soak chicken in it overnight in the fridge.

Commonly Used Bait:

  • Squid
  • Sardine
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Clams
  • Tuna bloodline
  • Shad
  • Salmon scraps
  • Rock Fish
  • Chicken